NDX Circular Filter 55mm Athabasca

SKU / Kode Produk: ATBH-82
ATHABASCA, Jakarta Pusat, DKI Jakarta
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NDX refers to adjustable ND, consisting of 2 pieces of opposed polarizer. When going through the first polarizer, light will go in through one certain direction; when light goes through the second polarizer, as the polarizing directions are different, light will be weakened. When the two polarizers are rotated in opposite directions, transmittance changes from high to low.
NDX refers to adjustable ND, consisting of 2 pieces of opposed polarizer. When going through the first polarizer, light will go in through one certain direction; when light goes through the second polarizer, as the polarizing directions are different, light will be weakened. When the two polarizers are rotated in opposite directions, transmittance changes from high to low. Main Functions: Enable large aperture and shallow depth of field in bright light and blur the background. Long-time explosure and adds dynamic. Soften flowing water effect in scenic photos. NDX has infinite adjustment from ND2-ND400, with infinite light adjustment from 50%-0.25%. Deficiency: Due to the physical structure of NDX, opposed polarizers will cause the uneven light in the picture. Cross light would appear when density reaches 420 when NDX is applied to ordinary lens. So ND1000 is achieved theoretically but actually it can narrowly reach 400. Even the adjustment is limited to 400 on NDX, cross light is not completely avoided on all lens, since cross light appearance varies on different lens in different focal lengths. Materials: Environmentally oxidized aviation aluminum Raw materials: Japan imported optical glass Thickness: 7.44mm
Nama ProdukNDX Circular Filter 55mm Athabasca
Lokasi SellerJakarta Pusat
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